
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Swimming Skills

Learning how to swim is an important part of the curriculum. New Zealand is surrounded by water and knowing how to swim is a basic skill that could help save your life.

Liam, Dushon and Rueben (aka Harry Potter) came in at the beginning of term one to teach us how to swim. We had 10 sessions with them in the water and we learnt how to float on our front and roll over onto our back. 


Practising floating on our backs

Some of us learnt how to do freestyle and some of us learnt how to do backstroke. 

Learning how to kick

Putting the kicking motion into action
Preparing to use our arms in freestyle swimming 

In our last session, we had to work cooperatively in groups to build a boat. This was a real test of our team work abilities!


We have been practising these skills every chance we get to go in the pool and we have all made some great improvements in our swimming!

1 comment:

  1. Hi room 13
    great swimming.
    Did you have fun?
    I liked how you were swimming in great formation and your arms were straight.
