
Thursday, 28 May 2015

The Life Education Caravan visits May Road

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

We had two sessions in the Life Education Caravan with Misty & Harold.

We learnt lots about how to keep a healthy body and healthy mind.
There are 9 things that we can do in order to keep our bodies healthy. They are:

  1. Food  - including meat, fruit & vegetables, grains.
  2. Water - 5-8 glasses a day. Water helps us hydrate our muscles.
  3. Sleep - 10-12 hours a night. If you don't get enough sleep, your brain can't work properly.
  4. Exercise - 1 hour a day.
  5. Hygiene - clean yourself everyday.
  6. Shelter - home.
  7. Oxygen - goes into our blood.
  8. Safety
  9. Love

Here is a  google presentation that was created by Vasiata to share her learning from the Life Education Caravan:

What are your tips for keeping your body and mind healthy so that you can be the best learner that you can be?


  1. good work vasiata i like your life education it is good

  2. good work vasiata i like your life education it is good

    1. Caysel, can you please let Vasiata know what was good about her work?

  3. good work natan keep it up

  4. good work natan keep it up
